March 2024 update:  Please continue to make appointments for the following services in our office;

– Eye Exams & Prescriptions
– Contact Lens pick-up
– Choosing frames
– Picking up glasses orders
– Adjustments and repairs on glasses
– Scheduling appointments.

If you or anyone in your immediate family are sick please reschedule your appointment. If you arrive sick, we will ask you to reschedule.  Please click here to see all of our policies.

As always, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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Five ways to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor’s Visit

  • Decide what questions are the most important to ask the doctor.
  • Stay focused on why you are seeing your doctor.
  • Be honest with your doctor.
  • Share your point of view about the visit with your doctor.
  • Remember, the doctor may not be able to answer all of your questions.
Decide what questions are the most important to ask the doctor
Before your appointment, pick two or three questions or concerns that you most want to talk about with the doctor.  You can tell him or her what they are at the beginning of the appointment or on your intake form and then discuss each in turn during the appointment.  Be sure to allow the doctor a chance to address each one before moving on to the next If you have time, you can then go on to other questions.
Stay focused on why you are seeing  your doctor
Although your doctor might like to talk with you at length, each patient is given a limited amount of time. To make the best use of your time, stick to the point. For instance, give the doctor a brief description of the symptom, when it started, how often it happens, and if it is getting worse or better.
Be honest with your doctor
It is tempting to say what you think the doctor wants to hear, for example, that you smoke less or eat a more balanced diet than you really do. While this is natural, it’s not in your best interest.
Take notes at your appointment
No matter what your age, it’s easy to forget a lot of what your doctor says. Even if you are comfortable talking with your doctor, you may not always understand what he or she says. So, as your doctor gives you information, it’s a good idea to check that you are following along. Ask about anything that does not seem clear. For instance, you might say: “I want to make sure I understand. Could you explain that a little more?” or “I did not understand that word. What does it mean?”
Another way to check is to repeat what you think the doctor means in your own words and ask, “Is this correct?” Here are some other ideas to help make sure you have all the information you need.
Bring a note pad to take notes if needed.  
Remember, the doctor may not be able to answer all of your questions. 
Even the best doctor may be unable to answer some questions. Most doctors will tell you when they don’t have answers. They also may help you find the information you need or refer you to a specialist.